Jumper Wire 88 – THT

  • Machine throughput of 33,000 CPH
  • Zero Scrap – No wire wastage
  • Very high reliability (75 ppm)
  • Programmable clinch angles from 25° to 75° from the vertical
  • Manual loading or automatic loading/unloading of PCBs
  • User-friendly interface
  • 5 mm to 33 mm span rang

Zero scrap!

The Jumper Wire 88 inserts wires from large bins onto printed circuit boards, offering the flexibility to process a wide range of wire spacings without the need for tool changes. The exceptional quality of the outgoing boards at 75 ppm and better, along with high assembly speeds and zero wire wastage, ensure a very good price-performance ratio and high ROI. An intuitive operator interface, similar to that used in other Universal Through-Hole systems, provides easy operation, diagnostics, data management, and a graphical product editor.

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