Low temperature solder paste

Enhances the Environmental Sustainability of the Assembly Process

Low temperature alloys offers a significant reduction in peak reflow temperature over existing SAC reflow conditions. The ability to reliably solder at 175 °C peak temperatures will increase the efficiency of existing assembly processes while lowering the manufacturers net impact on its surrounding environment.

OM-565 – HRL3

ALPHA OM-565 HRL3 low temperature solder paste is designed to mitigate warpage induced defects in temperature sensitive chip-scale packages. The solder paste enables peak reflow temperatures of 175 °C and superior wettability to minimize post reflow defects such as Non-Wet-Open (NWO) and Head-in-Pillow (HIP).

The ALPHA OM-565 chemistry enhances electrochemical performance over existing low melt point solders and provides excellent compatibility when used in combination with alternative ALPHA solutions for contact rework applications.


ALPHA CVP-520 is designed for near eutectic low temperature alloys such as SnBi0.4Ag to enable peak reflow profiles between 155°C and 190°C. The flux residue is clear, colorless, and provides excellent electrochemical reliability.

The carefully selected alloy in ALPHA CVP-520 offers the lowest melting point, lowest pasty range during melting and re-solidification, offering maximum resistance to thermal cycle based fatigue in traditional low temperature alloy applications. The alloy also yields very low voiding BGA solder joints, even when a traditional SAC alloy sphere is used.

All components used with SnBi solders must be lead-free to eliminate the formation of tin/lead/bismuth intermetallic which has a melting point under 100ºC.

OM-220 – Ultra low temperature applications*

ALPHA OM-220 enables peak reflow temperatures below 150 °C, making it ideal for soldering heat sensitive components and sub-assemblies.

ALPHA OM-220 is designed to enable low Tg substrates such as PET laminates as well as permitting cascaded / hierarchical soldering. Its halogen and halide-free formulation complies with industrial standards without compromising on soldering performance.

* Import product

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