ALPHA Vaculoy solders are manufactured from high-purity raw materials.
The company’s own Vaculoy process produces alloys with lower viscosity and reduced dross content. The result is a high-purity solder alloy that is free from moulded-in impurities and trapped oxides.
This proprietary process step prior to casting results in the following advantages:
ALPHA SAC305, SAC387 and SAC405 and their complementary alloys SAC300, SAC350, SAC380 and SAC400 are lead-free alloys.
As with all Alpha bar solders, the proprietary Vaculoy alloying process is used to remove certain impurities, particularly oxides.
The supplementary alloys (refill alloys) SAC300, SAC 350, SAC380 and SAC400 are used to stabilise and reduce the copper content in the wave solder bath. Their use depends on the respective process conditions.
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