Datasheet - CVP-390V | Download PDF → |
Datasheet - OM-353 | Download PDF → |
Datasheet - OM-362 | Download PDF → |
Datasheet - OM-372 | Download PDF → |
ALPHA CVP-390V is a zero-halogen solder paste that exhibits best-in-class electrochemical reliability down to 0.100mm comb spacing against the most challenging SIR profiles. ALPHA CVP-390V’s compatibility with Innolot and ability to maintain high electrochemical performance on dense assembly designs makes this solder paste ideal for next generation high reliability applications.
This paste is designed to be compatible with finer powder types. ALPHA CVP-390V provides >2.00CpK for transfer efficiencies between 60%-120% at area ratios as low as 0.60 against variable print process conditions for the ultimate flexibility in manufacturing. ALPHA CVP-390V maintains repeatable transfer efficiency on fine feature 01005 components and excellent coalescence down to 170µm circle and square apertures.
The solder paste is available in various grain sizes and viscosities.
ALPHA OM-353 is a zero-halogen solder paste engineered to provide superior electrochemical performance and minimize residue spread. This results in superior electrochemical performance down to 0.200 mm spacing on harsh automotive profiles. ALPHA OM-353 in combination with the Innolot alloy provide the optimal solution for high reliability applications.
Designed with manufacturing flexibility in mind, this solder paste is compatible with Type 5 powders for fine feature applications and available with traditional lead free alloys such as SAC305 or low silver SACX. ALPHA OM-353 combines world class print and reflow performance with consistent transfer efficiency and excellent non-wet open and head-in-pillow performance making this solder paste ideal for broad latitude application.
ALPHA OM-362 is a lead-free, zero-halogen, no-clean solder paste available in T4 powder. It is designed to provide ultra-low voiding performance on all component types, especially bottom terminated components.
ALPHA OM-362 achieves IPC Class III voiding on BGA components, and less than 10% average voiding on Bottom Terminated Components (BTC). This paste is designed for ultra-low voiding performance with high reliability alloys such as Innolot as well as traditional SAC alloys.
ALPHA OM-372 is engineered specifically to address the challenges of extreme miniaturization in mobile, wearable, and computing markets. ALPHA OM-372 provides best-in-class performance on low standoff components that require superior electrochemical performance and excellent transfer efficiency on fine feature sizes.
ALPHA OM-372 is formulated to deliver more than 50% lower post reflow residue when compared to standard no clean pastes and is engineered for greater than 90% transfer efficiency on ultra-fine feature pad sizes as low as 80×130µm (008004).
ALPHA OM-372 offers best-in-class electrochemical reliability on fine pitched, low standoff components under the most challenging conditions common to ultra-high density board designs.
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