Alpha offers a range of solder wires for attaching, reworking and repairing components for THT and SMT technologies. The range includes no-clean, water soluble and activated rosin fluxes in a variety of solder alloys. Alpha offers the highest performance solder wires for hand soldering and robotic soldering processes, including inductive and laser soldering.
All products are manufactured to ISO 12224-1 specification and test methods. You will find an Alpha solder wire that meets your specific requirements in the extensive range.
Information on lead-free alloys:
SAC305: Sn96.5 – Ag3 – Cu0.5
SAC405: Sn95.5 – Ag4 – Cu0.5
INNOLOT: Sn – Ag – Cu – Bi – Sb – Ni
SACX0307: Sn99 – Ag0.3 – Cu0.7
SACX0807: Sn98.5 – Ag0.8 – Cu0.7
Available depending on the product:
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