Solid wire for typical selective soldering systems

  • Available in wire diameters: 4 mm, 3 mm and 2 mm
  • Available spool sizes: 4 kg standard
  • Possible special forms: 1 kg spools and 20 kg buckets

Lead-free solid wires containing silver

The lead-free solid wires containing silver are available in the following alloys:

  • SAC 387
  • SAC305
  • SACX 0307
  • SACX 0807

The lead-free alloys are also available without Cu content.

Silver-free solid wires

The silver-free solid wires are available in the following alloys:

  • SnNiCu
  • SnNiCuGe

The lead-free alloys are also available without Cu content.

Lead-containing solid wires

The leaded solid wires are available in the following alloys:

  • Sn/PB
  • Sn/PB/Ag

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