Selective Soldering

The usefulness and profitability of selective soldering has not been questioned for a long time. It is more reproducible and cost-effective than manual and wave soldering and, on top of that, is even more individual (individual contact time or heat input) and flexible (double-assembled PCBs) in series production.

The selective soldering process basically consists of fluxing, preheating and precise heat input using a mini wave. In addition to our extensive, complex knowledge of the soldering process itself, our strengths, together with our partner Nordson Select, lie in the monitoring and control of process-relevant process parameters, line expertise (Industry 4.0) and automation. With the new and patented “Synchronous Motion Selective Soldering” process, we also offer a solution for maximum throughput on a minimum surface area, oversized PCBs and an adequate alternative to conventional wave soldering.

Synchronous Motion Selective Soldering – The next level in selective soldering

  • Best in class – throughput per area
  • Our flagship
  • High volume and high mix production
  • With 3 or 5 crucibles
  • Unlimited PCB length
  • Replaces wave soldering
  • Patented process
  • Ideal for medium and high quantities
  • Highly flexible
  • Expandable
  • Ideal for small and medium quantities
  • Space-saving due to L-R and R-L barrel
  • Highly flexible

Request free consultation

Our specialists will be happy to advise you on the various production processes or complete line solutions.