smartInScan – incoming goods

  • From the semi-automatic table-top system…
  • …to the fully automated high-volume version
  • AI autofocus camera & height sensor
  • Automatic scan and detection of reel thickness
  • Recording of barcode and plain text information
  • Incoming goods posting in ERP and inventory recording
  • Documentation and validation
  • Various levels of automation possible


Large field of view

In addition to the sophisticated software, the system is characterised above all by its innovative hardware. The high-resolution autofocus camera with a very large „field of view“ captures the entire reel and enabling even the smallest barcodes to be read in a very large inspection area.

Height sensor and AI software

The reel thickness can be recorded using a height sensor, which is important for the subsequent storage of the materials. A prerequisite for the fully automated labelling of the reels with a unique ID is the unique AI software, which recognises the webs and free areas for the optimal placement of the uniqe real/part-codes.

Automation made easy

The camera, height sensor and printer can be integrated into a cell in which then are recording of the component reels and comparing this with the ERP system; the printing and placement of the unique ID are carried out automatically and placed in an optimised manner. In conjunction with the smartLoad and the Pike trolleys, up to 120 reels can be loaded and unloaded automatically. An integrated X-ray component counter can record the actual stock levels if required.

The camera

A unique feature is the automatic scanning of each individual reel and the barcode and plain text information on it by camera. This enables complete documentation and evaluation of all real and part data.

  • Automatic recording of all package types by camera from above
  • Autofocus and height sensor
  • No more turning or rotating of the real and parts

The software

  • Fast batch processing
  • Delivery note analysis with automatic posting in the ERP system
  • Date code analysis (various manufacturer formats) with handling and calculation with the production date
  • MSL and MHD management with connection to the dry storage cabinet
  • Automatic transfer of data to ERP system and production
  • AI software for optimised, automatic placement of the label

Fully automatable

The autofocus camera with height sensor, label printer and applicator can be easily integrated into an inline production cell. In conjunction with the smartLoader, up to 120 rolls can be automatically loaded, recorded, labelled and unloaded onto piketrolleys. The integration of an X-ray component counter allows you to keep track of your actual stocks at all times.

Request free consultation

Our specialists will be happy to advise you on the various production processes or complete line solutions.

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